I'm a 20-something writer, blogger, techie living in Japan. I currently blog regularly at Surviving in Japan: without much Japanese, write the Lifelines column for The Japan Times, do some side freelance work, and due to be a mommy in August, 2011!
Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, Washington), I took a giant leap across the ocean after finishing up my undergrad work. Taught with the JET program for a year and a half, and now doing my other freelance work (see above). Married the love of my life May, 2009, and enjoying the newlywed life in Japan, together.
Also enjoy cooking and gardening when I've got time, sunshine and warmth, outdoor activities and cats. (Although, I've yet to acquire a cat here...) Trouble and strange circumstances seem to find me quite regularly, thus providing the stories on this blog (that I hope will amuse you as much as they have me!